About Guy
I have a full-time job in real estate which at times can be stressful. To find something that would help me relax and have greater work/life balance, I started what I call my "walkabouts." Each day for about 15 to 45 minutes I go for a walk to get some fresh air, see new scenery and explore wherever I might be on that particular day. When I started taking them, I began to notice things that interested me that I really wanted to capture ... like my friend the Blue Heron, or the beauty of a full on snow storm. So I began to carry a camera and use it as a way to really 'see' the places where I have lived and traveled.
Guy Abernathey
Escaping the Routine
Lewes, DE
JANUARY 14 - 17, 2018
"Life is better at the Lake"
Lake Metigoshe, ND
JULY 15 - AUGUST 15, 2019
Summer Walkabouts
Rehoboth Beach, DE
Contact Me
Guy Abernathey
New York City | Rehoboth Beach | Lake Metigoshe
T- 917.678.8799
For Photography Sales: hoover over the photo, click when you see "buy now" and it will take you to the Art Store.